VIII. Filter Replacement
8.1 Replacement Filter
The Heal h Air Por able Air P rifica ion S s em (HA-PAP-G3) ili es he
HealthyAir® Series 1111 Integrated Filter Module (HA-IFM-1111)
No e ha , onl man fac rer s pplied Heal h Air Replacemen Fil ers are
compa ible i h Heal h Air So rce Cap re S s ems. No o her replacemen
fil ers are o be sed i h his ni . The improper se of non-man fac rer
s pplied fil ers ill oid an po en ial arran claim.
8.2 Filter Change
When he ni has been in opera ion for 400-ho rs, he Fil er Change indica or
ligh , on he Con rol Panel, ill begin o flash indica ing ha he fil ers m s be
replaced as follo s:
Depending on sage and con amina es in he en ironmen , he fil er ma
need o be replaced before he 400-ho r defa l c cle e pires. Con ac a
represen a i e o de ermine if o need o replace he fil er more freq en l .
T rn he Po er Off and npl g he Po er Cord from he Po er Socke .
Remo e he Access Door b
nscre ing he
o (2) Th mb Scre s, as
sho n in sho n in Fig. 7.
Fig. (7) Access Door Remo al
Th mb
Access Door
Fil er
Fil er Compar men