X. Basic Service and Troubleshooting
The Basic Ser ice G ide sho ld co er mos performance iss es. If o con in e
o e perience iss es af er referring o his lis , please con ac Heal h Air Inc.
10.1 Air Purification System is Inoperable
If he ni fails o po er on, he iss e ma be he res l of one of he follo ing
ca ses. In some cases, he ni
ill req ire ser ice b he man fac rer or a
professionall licensed elec rician.
Possible Cause
Blo n F se
Replace he F se
Safe S i ch no engaged
Properl close he Access Door
Safe S i ch malf nc ion
Replace he Safe S i ch
HV Board malf nc ion
Replace he HV Board
PCB Board dela f nc ion
Unpl g and re-pl g Po er Cord
10.2 Air Purification System Power is On but Inoperable
If he ni po ers on b fails o opera e properl , he iss e ma be he res l of
a fa l elec rical board and ill req ire ser ice b he man fac rer or a
professionall licensed elec rician.
Possible Cause
PCB Board malf nc ion
Reconnec /Replace PCB Board