MP85A(DP) FASTpress, MP85A(DP)
S EASYswitch
A2073-5.0 en/de/fr
Specifying the evaluation criteria
This menu (
Evaluation parameter settings
) is used to specify the criteria to
later evaluate the process response as OK (OK) or not OK (NOK).
This is implemented by means of a curve trace, e.g. force-displacement dur-
ing a press-fit process, travelling through various windows (tolerance win-
dows). If the trace misses these windows or leaves the windows at the wrong
place, the press-fit process is evaluated as not OK (NOK) and displayed.
Evaluation parameter
menu allows measurements to be started and
stopped manually, i.e. using the mouse. The process curves measured in this
way can be used for better positioning of the tolerance windows.
The positioning of the individual windows is also implemented by using the
mouse. Once the windows are created, they can be moved around with the
“Drag and Drop” function or changed in size, as required. A maximum of 9 tol-
erance windows are available.
Alternatively, the evaluation can be implemented via an envelope curve or tol-
erance band (see MP85A online help).
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6
Status line
In this example, 4 windows are positioned at the characteristic points of the
press-fit process.