3.4 Camera Configurations
When you log in for the first time, you need to configure this application software to
connect to the remote Video Server / Network Camera series products in
“Configuration Menu \ Camera Configuration”, as shown in Figure 3-2. You must
have the root (administrator) privilege in order to run the configuration.
Figure 3-2 Camera Configuration
ATTENTION: Once you click on “Configuration Menu\Camera Configuration” for
setting each camera, a warning window will pop up to warn you that all recording
processes will be stopped.
3.4.1 The Layout of the Configuration
In this section, we discuss the local settings of the connection and the functional
configurations of each camera. If you are interested in the remote settings for each
camera, you can refer to each Video Server / Network Camera series product’s user’s
manual that was shipped with the hardware.
NOTE: As for the location of the selected camera, you need to make sure the location
string does not include prohibited characters such as “"\ / : * ? " < > |”. Otherwise, the
“wrong” location string will cause the application program to malfunction. You can
change the location string in “Video->Text on Video” of the remote setting webpage.