As a Hawk customer, you are aware that the equipment we design and build is both innovative
and unique. Therefore, in order to troubleshoot our equipment, we heavily rely on returned
defective or failed parts so that we can examine firsthand the causes of failure. While this may at
first be an inconvenience, ultimately, you benefit from safer and better-designed machine
components. Please give us the opportunity to serve you better by following these RGA rules.
1. We maintain the serial number, date of shipment or sale, and customer name on each piece of
equipment sold. If you were the purchaser, please reference that information on your request for
replacement or repair. If you purchased the equipment through a distributor, please contact them
first. If you are not satisfied, contact Hawk Enterprises of Elkhart, Inc. and give us the
distributor name, purchase date, and the serial number of the product.
2. Order the replacement parts from your distributor. We will ship warranted parts at our
3. When dealing with Hawk Enterprises, ask for an RGA number when you are ordering the
replacement part. Return the failed part to us within 30 days, freight prepaid, exactly as it was at
the time of failure. Our inspection and evaluation will attempt to determine the probable cause
of failure.
4. If our inspection reveals that the failed part was defective, we will credit your account for the
entire amount of the part including your cost of return freight. When incomplete parts are
returned for credit, their condition or state of incompletion will be assessed against the credit
claim at the sole discretion of Hawk Enterprises.
5. We also offer to do warranty related repairs free of charge at our facility. Arrangements
must be made in advance as outlined above. We will not accept freight collect returns or returns
that do not indicate the RGA number on the packing list.
Your satisfaction in all of your dealings with Hawk Enterprises is extremely important to us. We
intend to be reasonable on any matter that is related to our warranted service or other wear-
related problems which our customers feel need attention. Please help us to help you. Before
assuming that a part is defective, check the repair manual to see if the problem might be
something that you or one of your employees might be capable of correcting. If it is not, follow
the above policy and depend on us to respond quickly and responsibly.