digital CaMERaS
H4D with GIL Global Image
Locator accessory.
Accessories including GPS Recording Flexibility
Hasselblad’s global image locator (gil) is an accessory for use
with any Hasselblad H-System digital capture product. With the gil
device, all images captured outdoors are tagged with gPS coordi-
nates, time and altittude. this data provides the key to a number
of future applications involving image archiving and retrieval. One
example is the direct mapping of images in Phocus software to
the google Earth application. Check out full list of accessories at:
Phocus for professional level workflow
Phocus provides an advanced software toolbox that has been especially designed to easily achieve optimum workflow and absolute image
perfection from Hasselblad raw image files. With the H4d-31 camera system Phocus provides:
Digital Lens Correction and Ultra-Focus for image perfection
the H4d-31 camera allows information from the lens and exact
capture conditions to be fed to the camera processor for ultra-
fine-tuning of the auto-focus mechanism, taking into account the
design specifications of the lens and the optical specifications of
the sensor. in this way the full HC/HCd lens program is even further
enhanced, bringing a new level of sharpness and resolution. digital
correction for color aberration and distortion is also added. “digital
lens Correction” (daC), is an automatic correction of the images
based on a combination of the various parameters concerning each
specific lens for each specific shot, ensuring that each image repre-
sents the best that your equipment can produce.
• Uncompromising Image Quality
• Special extended camera controls
with which to operate your
H4d-31 camera. these features, such as live video for easier
shot set-up and workflow, or the ability to control the lens drive
for focusing when the camera is in a remote position or when
the digital capture unit is mounted on a view camera, bring an
entirely new level of flexibility to the way you shoot.
• Moiré Removal Technology
automatically applied directly on the
raw data, leaving image quality intact and eliminating the need
to carry out special masking selections or other manual proce-
dures, saving hours of tedious post-production work.
• Flexible Workflow.
the Phocus gUi features easy-to-use options
that allow you to customize your set-up to suit a range of dif-
ferent workflow situations, such as choice of import source,
browsing/comparison functions, file management, image export
in a number of file formats, pre-setting of options for upcoming
shoots, and much, much more.
• New Metadata (GPS, etc).
the extended metadata included in
all Phocus images provides for accurate and detailed catalogu-
ing and indexing, easy image management, and includes added
gPS data functionality in order to allow a range of new func-
tions. Phocus links gPS data directly to google Earth, for exam-
ple, making geographic reference a snap and image storage
and retrieval much easier.
• 100% Viewing Quality.
the Phocus Viewer delivers image view-
ing quality that matches every detail of what you will see later
in Photoshop. in addition, the Phocus Viewer allows you to cus-
tomize layout and composition to suit your current or desired
workflow, providing a wide range of options including full view,
compare, browse, horizontal, or vertical view, and so on. You
can have multiple folders open simultaneously for side-by-side
viewing, comparison, and selection