47. Finally, if you are happy with the
ft of the nets, with scissors or side
cutters trim off the ends of the net ties.
You may wish to also whip in the roof
nets to the curved bars. Your cage is
now fnished - happy growing!
46. Tie in the sides of the roof net(s)
to the horizontal bars and side net by
using the twine and whipping needle
as shown above again trimming where
necessary. Net clips (ref. 26) can be
used to aid in this process.
46. With the whipping needle loaded
with twine, tie one end of the twine
through the slot in the appropriate
connector plate.
Then feed the
needle around the horizontal bar to
neatly tie in the nets as shown. Finally
tie off the twine through a slot in the
opposing connector plate. When you
are completely happy with the result,
remove all of the net clips (ref. 26)
and trim off any untidy net edges with
47. Walk around the perimeter of your
cage and insert ground pegs (ref. 25)
(as shown above) approximately three
per meter to secure the bottom on the
side net. Check that the top edge of
the side net lines up with the top edge
of the horizontal bars, trimming where