Playing DVD Discs
Input Password
For disabling the playback of rated DVDs a password, consisting of four
digits, must be entered:
1. Press ARROW (UP or DOWN) on the remote to select Password on the
2. Press ENTER or ARROW (right), Password Menu appears.
3. Select Set Password, press ENTER (Enter Password Display appears).
4. Press the ARROW (UP or DOWN) or NUMBER (0~9) on the remote to
enter password.
5. Press ENTER to finish password input (Confirm Password display
appears below Enter Password Display).
6. Press the ARROW (UP or DOWN) or NUMBER (0~9) on the remote to
enter same password for confirmation.
7. When incorrect password is entered, new password menu appears and
you can enter and confirm the password again. This time, as help, the
correct password is repeated in each digit of the ”Try Again” menu
and the incorrect password in the lower ”Confirm Password” menu
part , appearing after the upper is passed.
8. After the correct password is entered in all menus, press ENTER, the
main password menu will return and a red key symbol appears in the
front display. To return to Set Up Menu press ARROW (left). The lock
symbol in the Set Up Menu appears closed to show that the rating is
• After password is memorized, all password menus are available only
after correct password is entered. If incorrect password is entered, new
password menu appears where the correct password can be entered
• Note that the time delay before the password can be re-entered will
increase with each attempt. This prevents attempts to find the correct
password by trial and error.
• It’s most important that you note the password in a safe place or
remember it reliably as access to rated discs or rating/password menus
or changing or clearing the password (see next pages) is not possible
without entering the correct password.