80.3 STP EL/HY
Installation and Maintenance Manual - Mod.A
Make sure that the holes and drainage channels in the base of the winch are not obstructed.
Assemble the winch in the reverse order of the sequence in the section on disassembly.
To tighten bolts, use the torque indicated in the disassembly procedure.
The icon on the Stripper Arm Housing
indicates the Stripper Arm final position.
Change the Stripper Arm Housing angle
to modify the Stripper Arm final position.
When positioning the stripper arm, align
the peeler with it.
If the jaws have been disassembled,
insert peeler between the two jaws,
taking care that the letters TOP on the
peeler are facing upwards.
In case of doubt concerning the assembly procedure contact Harken® Tech Service:
[email protected]
To assemble the clutch pin
Mount the spring with the pin pointing
upwards so that it is wound in an anti-
clockwise direction starting from the pin.
To assemble the pawls
Correctly position the spring in its
housing as shown at left. Hold the
spring closed and slide the pawl into its
housing. Once in position, check that the
pawls can be easily opened and closed
with a finger.
Before screw the central screw, check
the correct position of the o-ring in the
assy socket and apply Harken