SNOObie’s Super Powers
Soothing White Noise Machine.
Lull your little one to sleep with Dr. Karp’s 12 special soundtracks:
4 lul SNOO’s much-loved white noise + much more.
Rise & Shine Sleep Trainer.
Our easy App helps your little one gently fall asleep…and helps
bigger kids learn when it’s OK to wake and start the day.
Mindful Breathing Coach.
Teach your child
Magic Breathing
! Breathing sounds combined with
gently pulsing light will help your child master calming, mindful
breathing before sleep…a key to life-long health and emotional
Customizable Nightlight.
A rainbow of rich hues, parents can turn SNOObie’s light on and off,
or dim it with just a touch. Easy for parents, soothing for babies…
loved by big kids.
Rechar Portable.
SNOObie’s rechargeable battery lasts all night! Use it for living room
feeds, diaper changes...or wherever your little one needs some extra