Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
3.7 Frequency Sweep
In frequency sweep mode, the instrument moves from the start frequency to the stop frequency at
a specified sweep rate. You can sweep up or down in frequency, with either linea. You can also
configure the instrument to output one sweep from start frequency to stop frequency by applying
an external or manual trigger. The instrument can sweep sine, square, pulse, ramp, triangle, or
arbitrary waveforms (noise and DC are not allowed).
You can specify a hold time, during which the sweep remains at the stop frequency, and a return
time, during which the frequency changes linearly from the stop frequency to the start frequency.
To Select Sweep
The instrument will not allow sweep mode to be enabled at the same time that burst or any
modulation mode is enabled. When you enable sweep, the burst or modulation mode is turned off.
To avoid multiple waveform changes, enable the sweep mode after configuring the other
Front Panel:
Output a sweep using the present amplitude, offset, and frequency:
“Sweep” button to close sweep mode.