Features and Function
HDG2000 Series Arbitrary Waveform Generator
Frequency Limitations: Changing functions may change the frequency to meet the new
function's frequency limits.
Burst Limitation: For internally-triggered bursts, the minimum frequency is 1 Hz.
Duty Cycle Limitations: For Square and Pulse, Duty Cycle is limited by the 16ns minimum pulse
width specification. For example, at 1 kHz, Duty Cycle may be set as low as 0.01%, because
that would result in a pulse width of 100 ns. At 1 MHz, the minimum Duty Cycle is 1.6%, and at
10 MHz it is 16%. Changing to a frequency that cannotproduce the current duty cycle will adjust
the duty cycle to meet the minimum pulse width specification.
SOURce<1|2>:FUNCtion:ARBitrary:PTPeak <voltage>|MINimum|MAXimum
Output Amplitude
The default amplitude is 200mVpp for all functions.
Offset Voltage Limitations: The relationship between amplitude and offset is shown below.
Vpp < 2(Vmax
– |Voffset|)
Setting the high and low levels also sets the waveform amplitude and offset. For example, if you
set the high level to +2 V and the low level to -1 V, the resulting amplitude is 3 Vpp, with a -500
mV offset.
A DC signal's output level is controlled by the offset voltage (DC Offset Voltage). The DC level
may be between ±10 V.
SOURce<n>:VOLTage <amplitude>|MINimum|MAXimum
DC Offset Voltage
The default offset is 0 V for all functions.
Limits Due to Amplitude: The relationship between offset voltage and output amplitude is shown
below. The peak output voltage (DC plus AC) cannot exceed the instrument output rating.
Setting the high and low levels also sets the waveform amplitude and offset. For example, if you
set the high level to +2 V and the low level to -3 V, the resulting amplitude is 5 Vpp, with a -500
mV offset.
SOURce<n>:VOLTage:OFFSet <offset>|MINimum|MAXimum
SOURce<n>:VOLTage:OFFSet? [MINimum|MAXimum]
Duty Cycle (Square Waves)
A square wave’s duty cycle is the fraction of time per cycle that the waveform is at a high level.
Pulse Waveforms
for pulse duty cycle details.)