To power up the analyzer open the electronic box door and turn on the main switch.
When the analyzer is powered up, the display backlight is turned on and the
initialization take place. In this phase, the integrity of the stored data is checked
and the information regarding the language is loaded.
The display will show HANNA INSTRUMENTS, the name of the instrument and
the software version.
Notes: If the instrument is set for free chlorine analysis, the software will report at startup
Free Chlorine and if it is set for total chlorine, the software will report at startup Total Chlorine.
After initialization, the analyzer will show the main panel (or chlorine measuring panel for
PCA310 and PCA340). The measured value are displayed. The chlorine concentration will be
updated only after a full measuring cycle. The first reading is 0.00 mg/L and the dosing relay
is not active.
After the first chlorine concentration is measured and displayed, the chlorine dosing relay is
activated if necessary.
If the SMS feature is selected and correctly configured, the analyzer will send a SMS at each
power up sequence.