• Rinse conductivity probe with deionized water and shake off excess water.
• To avoid cross-contamination, rinse probe with a sample of solution to be tested. The measurement
solution is that contained within the sleeve.
• Insert probe into the center of the beaker with sample. Position it so it is away from the walls or bottom
of the beaker. The vent holes must be covered with solution.
• Tap the probe repeatedly to dislodge any air bubbles that may be trapped inside the sleeve. Allow time
for the reading to stabilize and reach thermal equilibrium.
• If you are adjusting the conductivity of the solution, stir the solution, then raise and lower the probe to
ensure representative sample is measured within the sleeve of the probe.
• If required, wait for the probe to reach thermal equilibrium with the sample.
Inspect the probe and the cable. The cable used for connection to the instrument must be intact and there must
be no points of broken insulation on the cable. Connectors must be perfectly clean and dry. Rinse off any salt
deposits with water.
If more cleaning is required, remove the probe sleeve and clean the probe with a cloth or a nonabrasive
detergent. Make sure to reinsert the sleeve onto the probe properly and in the right direction. After cleaning
the probe, recalibrate the instrument.
The 4 platinum rings are precisely spaced along a glass insulator. Take great care while handling the probe.
After performing any of the cleaning procedures, rinse the electrode thoroughly with distilled
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