Outside Cal Range
warns the user if the current reading is out of the calibrated area.
The calibrated area is that part of the pH range in which the calibration point ensures an
accurate reading. If the reading is taken out of the calibration area, the “
Outside Cal
”message will start blinking on the LCD. The
calibrated area is calculated in accordance with the pH
resolution used during the measurement. To avoid triggering
this message, the buffer values have to be well-distributed
in the desired measurement range.
If measurements are taken successively in different samples,
it is recommended to rinse the electrode thoroughly with
deionized water or tap water and then with some of the next
sample before immersing it into the next sample solution.
The pH reading is affected by temperature. In order to
measure the pH accurately, the temperature effect must be
compensated. To use the Automatic Temperature Compensation (ATC) feature, connect and place
temperature probe into the sample as close as possible to the electrode and wait
for a few seconds.
If the temperature of the sample is known, Manual Temperature Compensation (MTC) can be used
by disconnecting the temperature probe.
Notes: For single channel pH measurements (HI5221), “MTC” or “ATC” indicators will be
displayed on the LCD, while for dual channel pH measurements (HI5222) “MTC1”/”MTC2”
or “ATC1”/”ATC2” indicators will be displayed (Channel dependent).
For mV/Rel mV measurements, “NoProbe” or “TEMP” indicators will be displayed on the LCD
(HI5221 only), respectively, “NoProbe 1”/“NoProbe 2” or “TEMP1”/”TEMP2” indicators
(HI5222 only) for mV/Rel mV/ISE measurements, depending on the temperature probe
status and channel selected.
When in MTC mode, the temperature can be modified by pressing
for pH Measure
mode and
for mV /Rel mV Measure mode (HI5221
only) if the Reading Mode option
is Direct (HI5222
only). The temperature value can be adjusted with
C to 120.0
C. Press
to save the new temperature value or press
to return to Measure mode.
When in ATC mode for pH, or TEMP for mV/Rel mV, “----” will be displayed on the LCD if the
measured temperature is under or over temperature range (-20.0
C to 120.0