4) Channel #1 status
E.g. “1” for ppm logging selected in this lot
“0” for ppm logging not selected in this lot
5) Channel #2 status
E.g. “1” for % logging selected in this lot
“0” for % logging not selected in this lot
6) Channel #3 status
E.g. “1” for not used “0” for not used
7) Channel #4 status
E.g. “1” for temperature logging selected in this lot
“0” for temperature logging not selected in this lot
8) ... Repeat from 2 to 7 for the next available lot No.
9) etx
Requests the meter to send the selected lot status. The data is
sent in the following order:
1) stx
2) Lot number E.g. “01” for lot No. 1
3) Total number of samples per lot
E.g. “1234” for total no. of samples: 1234.
4) Channel #1 status
E.g. “1” for ppm logging selected in this lot
“0” for ppm logging not selected in this lot
5) Channel #2 status
E.g. “1” for % logging selected in this lot
“0” for % logging not selected in this lot
6) Channel #3 status
E.g. “1” for not used “0” for not used
7) Channel #4 status
E.g. “1” for temperature logging selected in this lot
“0” for temperature logging not selected in this lot
8) Begin sample time, min. E.g. “59” for 59 minutes
9) Begin sample time, hour. E.g. “12” for 12 hours
10) Begin sample time, day. E.g. “09” for the 9th day
11) Begin sample time, month. E.g. “09” for September
12) Begin sample time, year. E.g. “96” for year 1996
13) Logging interval. E.g. “0” for 1 second
“1” for 15 seconds
“2” for 30 seconds