Hangar 9 Phoenix 7 ARF Assembly Manual
2. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to remove the
covering on the top and bottom of the wing for the nose gear
3. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade to cut the covering
down the center at the leading edge of the wing. Carefully
peel the covering away to expose the cover plate at the
leading edge of the wing.
4. Use a hobby knife and #11 blade or razor saw to trim
the plate to the edges of the notch in the leading edge. Use
medium grit sandpaper to smooth the edges where the plate
was cut.
5. Use a covering iron or trim seal tool to iron the
covering into the notch to finish the opening for the nose
wheel in the leading edge of the wing.
6. Use a hobby knife with a #11 blade to remove the
covering from the wheel well. Use a covering iron to seal the
edges down in the wheel well and leading edge of the wing.
7. Place the retract mechanism in the wing. Use a
pencil to transfer the locations for the mounting screws onto
the landing gear rails.