Change APT / UNIT #
This system allows you to change the name of a Location or Item that has keys stored in the cabinet.
Abbreviate the names as much as possible. For example APT/UNIT#1 could stand for "Storage". It will
make the process go much faster and make it easier to pull keys when you need them.
Scan your employee badge and enter
your 4 digit PIN.
Enter Activity Code 02 (Change
APT/UNIT#). The system will beep, and
prompt you to enter the old unit #.
Type the APT/UNIT # you want to
change and press ENTER.
System will prompt you to enter new
APT/UNIT#. Type new APT/UNIT # and
press ENTER to replace APT/UNIT #.
The system confirms replacement is
complete. Press ENTER to replace
APT/UNIT #. Press CLEAR to change to
another activity, or press OUT to end
this session.
NOTE: If you are using Alpha letters in your APT/UNIT# names, refer back to page 8 for assistance.
Abbreviate as much as possible; for example: storage unit 1 could be "S1".