Accessories -
If additional accessories such as a turntable or transition gate system have
been supplied with the lift, refer to the instructions included with those items.
Figure 1 illustrates sample floor plans for an installed lift system.
Figure 1: Installed Lift System Sample Plans
Charge the Lift
Before initial use, the lift unit must be charged for 5 hours.
Charge the batteries regularly. Handicare recommends the lift be left on charge
when not in operation, and at the end of each day, which will maximize the life cycle
of the batteries.
The lift may remain connected to the charger indefinitely since the charger has a
built-in regulator to eliminate the danger of overcharging.
The ceiling lift charges through the barrel connection on the hand control cable. While charging,
the lift indicator light located on the top cover membrane is orange; it turns green once the lift is
completely charged. The lift can be charged while on or off by the emergency stop switch. See
section “Charge through the Hand Control” for further information.
Figure 2: Charger with Barrel Connector
To charge AP-450 lifts through the hand control:
Ensure the hand control is plugged into the AP-
450 lift. See section “Connect the Hand
Pull out the protective cap from the Hand Control connector.
Align the charger’s barrel connector with the opening on the hand control’s charger
connection point.
Insert the charger’s barrel connector into the Hand Control.
Once the charger is connected properly, the lift indicator located on the top cover
membrane lights orange and turns green when the lift is completely charged. The lift can be
charged whether the lift is turned on or off via the emergency stop switch.
The lift will not raise or lower when the Hand Control charger is connected;
Emergency lowering still functions.
Do not position the lift where it is difficult to disconnect the charger in an event
of an emergency. The unit can be isolated
electrically from “Mains” by