Subject to change without notice
Controls and readout
2) Measuring signal selection (trigger source):
Terms as under item 1).
3) Analysable signal displays:
CH1 = channel I, CH2 = channel II, ADD = signal display in
addition mode and MATx = mathematic signal.
4) Signal selection (memory content):
Y1 = channel I, Y2 = channel II, Y = ADD (addition mode)
and M = mathematic signal.
Briefly pressing the MEASURE SET pushbutton on
condition CURSOR ON (34) calls this menu. The
measurement results of the different menu items relate
to the CURSOR settings relative to the signal.
The Y POS/CURS.I (6) and Y POS/CURS.II (8) knobs enable
CURSOR line setting if the CURSOR POS LED is lit. Then
each CURSOR line is marked by a symbol (“I“, “II”)
indicating the relationship between each Y POS/CURS.
knob and CURSOR line. In cases where more than two
CURSOR lines or additionally “
” symbols are displayed,
the SELECT (34) function switches over the assignment. If
both CURSOR lines or “+” symbols have the same marking,
both can be shifted simultaneously (Tracking function).
In the case of signal amplitude measurement in combi-
nation with several displayed signals, the SOURCE (33)
pushbutton can be used to determine the signal (Y1 =
channel 1, Y2 = channel II, M = mathematic signal).
32.2.1 ?t
(display “?t: measured value“)
Analog and digital mode.
Enables time measurement by aid of two vertical CURSOR
lines in Yt mode (not in XY mode). Briefly pressing the
UNIT (35) pushbutton directly switches over from
(frequency) measurement and vice versa.
32.2.2 1/?t
(display “1/?t: measured value“)
Analog and digital mode.
Two vertical CURSOR lines enable frequency
measurement in Yt mode (not in XY mode). Briefly pressing
the UNIT (35) pushbutton directly switches over from 1/?t
to ?t
?t (time) measurement and vice versa.
32.2.3 Rise Time
(display “tr 10: measured value”)
Analog and digital mode.
Rise time measurement by aid of two horizontal CURSOR
lines and two “+” symbols which have the following
1. Lower CURSOR line = 0%.
2. Lower “+” symbol = 10% of the CURSOR lines distance.
3. Upper “+” symbol = 90% of the CURSOR lines distance.
4. Upper CURSOR line = 100%.
SET (32)
enables an automatic signal related CURSOR line
setting (in DUAL mode related to the signal used for
triggering), which can later be changed manually.
The distance between the “+” symbols and the CURSOR
lines are set automatically. For rise time measurement the
horizontal position of the “+” symbols must be set
manually to the signal slope. This requires that the
active and each “+” symbol is marked
(“I”, “II”) by the aid of the SELECT (34) function.
For maximum “+” symbol positioning and measuring
accuracy first set the signal slope to the screen center (X-
POS. (12)) and then activate X magnifier (X-MAG. x10 (13)).
To avoid CURSOR line and “+” symbol changes after each
change of a signal position in X and/or Y direction, a fixed
relation between signal and CURSOR display can be made
by activating the GLUE (33) function. GLUE is indicated by
a reduced number of dots in the CURSOR lines and the
“+” symbols.
Further information about this item can be found in this
manual under “Type of signal voltage” in section “Rise
Time Measurement”.
32.2.4 ?V
(display “??V: channel, measured value)
CURSOR supported voltage measurement. Analog and
digital mode. In Yt (time base) mode two horizontal CURSOR
lines are displayed:
Single channel (CH I or CH II) mode
relates the CURSOR lines to one signal. The measurement
value is connected with the Y deflection coefficient.
DUAL mode requires selection between channel I and II
with the SOURCE (33) pushbutton. The CURSOR line must
be placed on the signal (channel) chosen by the SOURCE
Addition (“add”) mode requires equal Y deflection
coefficients for both channels.
XY mode causes the display of two vertical or horizontal
CURSOR lines:
The SOURCE (33) pushbutton allows selection between X
(CH I) and Y (CH II) voltage measurement. In the case of X
voltage measurement, vertical CURSOR lines are
32.2.5 V to GND
(display “V: channel, measured value)
Analog and digital mode.
One CURSOR line is displayed for voltage measurement
related to the trace 0 Volt position. This is the only exception
to the
description of item
If the mathematic function (MATH [39]) is activated and a
calculation was made (CALC [39]) the result of the operation
is displayed as a “signal”, which can be measured by aid
of the cursor line. The SOURCE (33) function selects the
cursor line / signal assignment.
32.2.6 Ratio X
(display “ratio:X, measured value, unit”)
Analog and digital mode.
Ratio X measurement causes the display of two long and
one short CURSOR lines and is enabled in Yt (time base)
mode only.
The unit to be displayed must be selected by briefly
pressing the UNIT (35) pushbutton to call the UNIT menu.
Then the following units are offered: ratio, %, ° (angle)
unit: degree of angle and pi.
The long CURSOR line in the left position always serves
as reference line. A “–“ (minus) sign indicates measu-
rement results if the short CURSOR line is placed left of
the reference line.
Enables the measurement of pulse duty ratio. The distance
between the long CURSOR lines is equivalent to1 (whole
Example for a pulse signal with 4 div. pulse and 1 div.
The long CURSOR lines must coincide with the start
position of first and the second pulse (distance = 5 div.) as
the reference distance (1). Then the “I” symbol must be