Subject to change without notice
G e n e r a l i n f o r m a t i o n c o n c e r n i n g M E N U
Data transfer
All interface connections are galvanically connected
to the scope. Measurements at high potentials are
prohibited and endanger the scope, the interface
and all equipment connected to the interface.
Interface modules may only be installed or ex-
changed when the instrument is turned off. During
operation the interface aperture must be covered.
If the safety rules are disregarded, any damage to HAMEG pro-
ducts will void the warranty. HAMEG will not take any responsi-
bility for damage to people, or products of any other make.
There is an opening on the rear panel covered by a plate into
which various interface modules can be inserted. The plate may
only be removed for insertion of an interface, then the opening
closed again. As this is an analogue oscilloscope it can only
be controlled and settings can be read via the interface. If the
oscilloscope is equipped with the interface HO710 the scope
fi rmware can be updated via the interface.
The RS-232 interface has the usual 9 pole D-Sub connector.
The scope can be remotely controlled via this bidirectional
interface and its settings may be transferred from or to an
external device (e.g. PC). As this is an analogue oscilloscope,
signal data are not available and therefore cannot be transfer-
red. The connection to a PC requires a 9 pole screened cable
(1:1) of less than 3 m length.
The pin assignment is as follows:
no. Function
2 Tx data from scope to external device
3 Rx data from external device to scope
7 CTS ready to transmit
8 RTS ready to receive
5 ground (scope is connected to safety ground (safety class I)
via its power cable)
9 + 5 V, max. 400 mA
The maximum signal on Tx, Rx, RTS and CTS is ±12 V. The
RS-232 interface parameters are:
N-8-2 (no parity, 8 bits data, 2 stop bits, RTS/CTS hardware
These parameters can be set on the oscilloscope.
Loading of new fi rmware
Go to www.hameg.com for the most recent firmware available
for downloading and scope upgrading.
fi rmware update may cause changes in operation
and new functions. In such cases an updated manu-
al can be download from the HAMEG homepage.