HV-51 User Manual
password can be set,password can be changed if only checked encryption.
Click on the “Save” button to display “Parameter saved successfully” message,set to take effect
SSID and password should be filled in correctly, otherwise, if restarted after only if encryption is
checked off, the wireless WiFi connection will not be successful.
2)WiFi hot link
Click on the “search” button to search the WIFI hotspot.
Double-click the dialog box after searching for the user WIFI hotspot,and then input password to con-
nect to WIFI. It is successfully connected once the “successful connect” window is displayed.
3)Wireless WiFi login page
If you did not check the above configuration DHCP (automatically obtain IP),then open the brows
er,enter the wireless network IP address in the address bar (default,press Enter to log
construction;If you checked the DHCP,then you obtain IP automatically,j ust log into the specific router
or switch user interface settings to view the
allocation of the IP address.
Under common working conditions,the camera can be controlled through the RS232/RS485 inter
face(VISCA),RS232C serial parameter are as follows:
Baud rate: 2400/4800/9600/115200 bits / sec; Start bit: 1; data bits: 8; Stop bit: 1; Parity: None.
After powering on,the camera first moves left,then back to the middle position.Self-test is finished
after the zoom moves to the farthest and then back to the nearest position. If the camera saved the
0 preset before,it will be back in that position after initialization.At this point,the user can control the
camera using the serial commands.
5.1 VISCA protocol list
5.1.1 Camera return command
Ack/Completion Message
Command packet
z0 41 FF
Returned when the command is accepted.
z0 51 FF
Returned when the command has been executed.
Error message
Command packet
Syntax Error
z0 60 02 FF
Returned when the command format is different or when a
command with illegal command parameters is accepted.
Command Not
z0 61 41 FF
Returned when a command cannot be executed due to current
conditions. For example,when commands controlling the focus
manually are received during auto focus.
z = camera a 8