the inside of the ccu is not normally required. However, should
9.1 C C U C l e a n i n g
t h e CCU be exposed to abnormally dusty conditions, clean the inside
of the CCU periodically, as follows:
1. U n p l u g the power supply cable of the CCU.
2. Loosen the 4 screws on the sides of the CCU and take off the CCU
3. B l o w away the dust using an air gun or gently brush with a soft
cleaning brush. Take care not to damage electrical parts.
4. Install the cover ensuring that the air vents are located on the left.
9.2 C a m e r a
The camera faceplate is carefully cleaned a t the time o f shipment.
However, dust may be deposited on the faceplate during installation
of the camera to the imaging system. To ensure the highest quality image,
evaluate the entire imaging system for the presence of dust or dirt. Identify
the location of any contaminate using the following scheme and remove,
if possible.
When the object is defocused, the dust
is also defocused.
When the TV camara head is rotated at
the junction of the optical path and the
TV camera head, the dust is rotated.
NO 1
The camera faceplate is dirty.
T h e object is
YES d i r t y .
T h e optical
YES p a t h is dirty.
1. A t t e m p t to remove the dust or dirt with an air gun or optical cleaning
2. I f dirt or dust is still present, gently clean the faceplate with a cotton
stick or lens paper dipped in ethyl alcohol working from the center
to the periphery in a circular fashion.
3. W i p e t h e faceplate m o r e t i m e carefully w i t h l e n s paper l i g h t l y
moistened w i t h ethyl alcohol. Check for dust or dirt. I f the surface
is not absolutely clean repeat the procedure.
4. C o n f i r m that faceplate is clean by attaching the camera to the optical
system and check utilizing a uniform image.