C11440-10C Ver.1.2
This camera uses FL-280 (scientific CMOS image sensor). Careful attention must be paid to
the following points when using FL-280:
(1) White spot
Subjecting FL-280 to extended exposures may cause failure in part of the silicon wafer,
resulting in white spots. This phenomenon is not currently preventable. If FL-280 is at a
fixed temperature, recurrence of the white spot increases proportionally with the
exposure time, so this can be rectified with dark subtraction*. Atomic ray may generate
white spot.
After an image made using a certain exposure time is loaded, the FL-280 is exposed to darkness for the same
amount of time, and another image is obtained. After this, the difference between the images is determined, and the
data for the dark portion of the original image is nullified.
(2) Folding distortion
A rough-edged flicker may be visible when imaging striped patterns, lines, and similar
subject matter.
(3) Over light
Be careful not to input too strong light such as high-energy laser into
FL-280 because FL-280 may be damaged by over light.
11-1 CARE
Clean the exterior with a soft, dry cloth.
Do not use a wet cloth, dirty cloth.