C11440-10C Ver.1.2
The camera features an on-chip gain control capability that can multiply the analog signal in
sensor prior to converting it into a digital signal. This has the effect of reducing the
quantization error in the A/D converter, and the readout noise can be lowered to 3 electrons
(r.m.s) at analog gain 8x.
When low-light sample imaging in a short time is necessary and the output signal level is only a
few to a few dozen ADU out of 12 bits (4096 ADU), the image quality can be improved by
increasing the analog gain. It is necessary to note that the conversion coefficient* of the camera
changes when the analog gain is increased.
The setting range for the relative value register is 0 to 255. Parameter 0 is correspond to 1x,
255 is correspond to 8x.
There is a chance that Shading caused by illumination and optics can't be negligible in the
imaging with camera. The camera has the real-time offset level, shading and defective pixel
correction features for a further image quality improvement. The correction can be effective
in real-time without scarifying the readout speed at all.