The picture frame can not be switched on:
Problem with the electrical supply of the picture
Check that the plug of the power adapter is connected
correctly and completely. Also check that the power
supply unit is connected to the power supply and
supplied with electricity.
The picture frame can no longer be operated when
selecting fi les:
Safety violation in the internal software of the
digital picture frame.
This may be due to the fi le format used. There are some
confi gurations that cause the software of the digital
picture frame to crash. However, the cause does not
lie with the technology/software of the digital picture
screen, but with the fi le convention of the fi le to be
displayed or played. If the digital picture frame can
not be restored using the EXIT button in the function
selection menu or can not be switched off, disconnect
the picture frame from the mains supply. Reconnect it
and switch it on again after a few seconds.
Films/images (according to the device specifi cation)
appear out of focus or grainy on the display
the data rate/quality or resolution is too low
The quality loss of images is caused by compression
and insuffi cient resolution. If it is possible to have a
higher resolution for the data, use this when displaying
or playing fi les.
Files are not displayed:
Resolution too high
Please note that loading requires a lot more time for
large fi le sizes. Reduce the image size (dimensions in
pixels) if required.
The sound is heavily distorted (varies according to the
device specifi cation):
The volume level is too high
Reduce the volume level until the distortion disappears.
USB devices are not displayed when connected.
incompatible USB protocol
Not all devices support USB communication in the same
way. If in doubt, test another device with the digital
picture frame.
Data on a memory card can not be accessed.
incompatible memory card or incorrect data
media format
There are some types of memory cards/media that are
not compatible with the digital picture frame. In this
case, the card is not recognised and can not be used to
display or play fi les. Check whether the card uses the
FAT or FAT32 fi le system.
The fi le name does not completely appear in the fi le
menu or appears abbreviated.
File name is too long
The digital picture frame supports fi le names. File
names that are too long can not always be fully
displayed due to the limited display size and are
therefore abbreviated. If the fi le name contains special
characters and/or umlauts, these may be replaced by
special characters/symbols.