Instruction Manual PUC 28
6 RS232 Interface
This section only applies to devices equipped with RS232 interface. The serial RS232C
interface allows configuring the PUC 28 (alternatively to the configuration with the help of the
integrated keys in the front plate) as well as reading the measured values and triggering
certain actions (e.g. zero-point calibration) with the help of a PC.
The serial interface has the following settings:
9600 Baud
8 data bits
1 stop bit
no parity
6.1 List of RS232 commands
For the configuration of the PUC 28 and the reading of measured values the following
commands are available:
6.1.1 Commands for Configuration
All parameters can be written and read. For each parameter the command for read and write
s the same, only the character “>” is placed before the command to write, while a “?” is placed
before the command to read.
Both when writing and reading a parameter, the PUC 28 sends back the same parameter
name with the actual value as answer:
Example for writing:
>WarnPdown -22.5
WarnPdown -22.5
(The bottom warning value for the internal pressure is being set to -22.5Pa.)
Example for reading:
WarnPdown -22.5
(The bottom warning value for the internal pressure is actually -22.5Pa.)
For sending parameter values the following rules apply:
The spelling of the parameter names is case-sensitive.
A blank has to be between parameter name and value.
Positive values have to begin directly with a numeral, a
“+” is not allowed.
In case of decimal places, these have to follow a point (no comma!). Integers can be
without a
“.0”, but it can be present optionally.
Pressure values are always being sent in Pa, even if the display in the front plate
shows the values in another unit.
Sending a value has to be finished by a <CR> (ASCII character no. 13).
Under consideration of the same rules also the PUC 28 sends the answer telegrams.