Step 10: Depending on the layout of your screen door, the retainer clips may be between the screen mesh
fabric and the spreader bar or on the side opposite the fabric. No matter where the holes are located, the
clips need to be attached to the spreader bar with screws. If the screen mesh is not an issue, simply
screw through each clip into the spreader bar. If the clips are underneath the screen mesh, you have two
Option 1: If you did not press the screen spline back into place (step 8 above) you should be able to
carefully pull the screen fabric upwards and out of the way to install the screws. Then pull the screen
mesh back down to cover the area and install spline.
Option 2: You can screw directly through the screen mesh fabric to attach the clips. (This is the option
shown in the below pictures.)
For either option, once the
screw has started, reach
through the pet door and
press the spreader bar firmly
against the retainer clip to
ensure a good connection
between the two.
Step 11: Check the overall installation making sure everything is straight and level and
the screen mesh is taut. Double check that the screen spline is pushed securely back
into place on both sides of the screen door as well as along the top edge of the pet
door. If this is a new installation and you did not previously trim the screen mesh fabric
close to the pet door, do so at this time. Remove drop cloths and do any necessary
cleanup, including cleaning the pet door frame and flaps if needed.
The installation is now complete.
Installed Hale Pet Door
Screen Model with
Optional Stabilizer Bar
Above Left to Right:
Interior View, Exterior
Right: Close-Up View
The stabilizer bar kit is a great addition to
a screen model pet door used by large or
active dogs or by multi-dog families.