movement. Dirt may become trapped along the focusing barrel, creating
friction between the test tube and light head. To clean the dirt from the
bulb assembly, simply loosen the locking screw and push the bulb assembly
out toward the cord. Clean the light head and bulb assembly. Be careful not
to pull a stuck assembly out by the cord while underwater as the tube may
come free from the assembly, flooding the light. The groove on your light
head's bulb assembly will prevent the unit from being accidentally pulled out
from the light head by an entangled cord.
LED Lighting Systems
The promise of LED technology that can fully replace HID lighting just took a
step forward with Halcyon’s Eos primary light. The new Eos capably blends
numerous desirable features with a focused light output exceeding the
10-watt HID. The Eos also reduces battery consumption with an efficient
array of dual-intensity LEDs and a quick flip of the switch more than doubles
the battery’s run time. A machined aluminum head shields a nearly
indestructible LED light array with an expected
lifecycle of 20,000 hours.
The Eos LED primary light has a voltage
protection circuit to keep the battery voltage
from dropping to a level that may be harmful
to the battery pack. This circuit is activated at
approximately 9.8 volts and will cause the light to
alternate between normal intensity and notably
reduced light output. This “flicker” exists as a
warning to indicate the light is nearing its capacity. Because the reduced light
output decreases the draw on the battery, your light might continue in this
fashion for approximately 30 minutes (depending on the battery, light output,
temperature etc). The light will shut off completely as nears 9.4 volts. This
cutoff will prevent damage to your battery.
The Eos LED primary light is also fitted with a temperature protection circuit
to prevent the diodes in the LED from overheating; this will help ensure
maximum LED longevity. The temperature protection circuit will trigger a
reduction in light output similar to the low voltage cutoff. In this case, the light
reduces output by 50%. It will alternate between normal and 50% output until
the heat problem is resolved. Overheating can be most quickly resolved by
immersing the light in water. Ideally, the Eos, like all other dive lights, should
not be used at the surface for any extended period. It is unlikely that your Eos
LED should ever experience an overheating situation while used underwater.
Halcyon has taken great strides to ensure your Eos LED will operate flawlessly
without any additional adjustments. The LED module and the unique
aluminum light head work as a unit to provide the Eos with optimum heat-
syncing ability; this together with proper alignment help ensure maximum