Recommended Storage Conditions
Store your Halcyon NiMH battery pack disconnected
from the light to eliminate loaded storage effects, which
in NiMH batteries can lead to increased self-discharge.
Any Nickel-Metal Hydride cell will off-gas hydrogen
when subjected to excessive overcharge or
overdischarge. Do not store your Explorer light for
extended periods of time with the battery pack in place
and the lid closed. Always open the lid of your light to
vent any ambient gasses after storage and before you
operate your light.
Battery Longevity
Your battery should provide you with years of trouble free performance.
The anticipated life of a battery is measured in the number of charge and
discharge cycles it can tolerate. The life of a battery will depend on many
factors, including the storage temperature, the discharge of the battery, and
the charging efficiency.
Please see the recommendations below to establish other ways of increasing
battery life.
1. Use only Halcyon replacement NiMH battery packs with your Halcyon
light. It is very important with NiMH systems that the charger be matched
with the battery.
2. Do not allow the batteries to discharge deeply (below about 9 volts).
3. Do not allow the batteries to sit in a discharged state.
4. Do not expose the batteries to extreme temperatures below -15° C (5°
F) or above 50° C (122° F). Batteries must be removed from canister for
To be sure that your battery is adequately charged reference the following
1. Plug in the charger and verify that it is receiving power. Verify that the red
power light is on when you connect the charger to the battery pack on SLA
packs and the Yellow light is on for NiMH battery packs.
2. Allow the batteries to charge until the green "Charge Complete" light
activates on NiMH battery chargers. You may verify the charge by using
a voltmeter to gauge the battery voltage. However, this reading is only
reliable if the battery is under a load, such as when the light is activated.
To ensure that your charger is operating properly, place the light head in a
pot of water and connect the batteries to the lid, leaving the battery pack
out of the canister. Do not let the light burn for more than a minute out
of the water. While the light is discharging the batteries, use a voltmeter
to gauge the voltage drop. If the pack is not properly charged, the volt