Notes on warranty
The terms defined in the purchase
agreement apply. Claims for compen-
sation related to damage are excluded
from the terms of warranty when the
damage is the result of failure to ob-
serve regulations concerning service
and maintenance. Maintenance work
must be performed by authorized Hako
service centers and confirmed in the
“Maintenance Report” which serves as
a warranty logbook.
The following are excluded from the
terms of warranty: wear and tear
through overuse, defective fuses, im-
proper handling and use or unauthor-
ized modifications. Claims under the
terms of warranty are also annulled
when damage occurs to the vehicle re-
sulting from the use of parts or accesso-
ries not explicitly approved by us or
from failure to observe maintenance
Acceptance of the machine
Inspect the vehicle immediately on de-
livery for signs of transport damage.
Replacement will be made when confir-
mation is provided immediately by the
freight carrier with regard to the dam-
age and the damage report is sent to
our authorized sales partner together
with the consignment note.
Disposing of the machine
Render the machine inoperable. It must
not represent a source of risks to chil-
dren. Dispose of the machine in accor-
dance with the applicable local
regulations. For further information on
disposal and recycling, contact the au-
thorized Hako dealer where you pur-
chased the machine.
Used batteries with the recycling sym-
bol contain reusable commodities. The
heavy metals contained simultaneously
represent a serious risk to health and to
the environment. Never open batteries
or damage them. Never touch, inhale or
swallow any material inside batteries.
Health hazard! Never allow batteries to
pollute the environment. Risk of con-
taminating the ground and water! In ac-
cordance with the symbol with the
crossed out bin, these batteries must
not be disposed of in domestic waste.
The return and recycling of old batteries
must be agreed on with your authorized
Hako dealer in accordance with the Bat-
tery Law § 6 and § 8 (BattG).
Regulations for approval
The Sweepmaster is an automotive ma-
chine within the terms defined in the
Road Traffic Licensing Regulations
(FZV §2, previously StVZO §18).
On request, the manufacturing plant
can enclose a report with which to ac-
quire the vehicle type approval. This re-
port is used by the local vehicle
registration office to produce a valid ve-
hicle registration license (Vehicle Reg-
istration Certificate, Part 1).
An official license number is not neces-
sary. A general inspection in accor-
dance with § 29 StVZO (road traffic
licensing regulation) is not required ei-
ther because the vehicle is designed for
a top speed under 20 kph. In accor-
dance with the StVZO, the vehicle must
carry a first-aid kit, warning triangle and
the vehicle registration license when
used on public roads, paths and pedes-
trian precincts.
If any attachments or conversions are
made on the Sweepmaster, which af-
fect the equipment described in the ve-
hicle registration license and are not
mentioned in the vehicle registration li-