Safety Information
• Always disconnect the battery plug
before starting any work on the elec-
trical installation.
• It is not permitted to clean the vehicle
with a pressure washer or steam
• It is not permitted to use aggressive
and corrosive cleaning agents.
• Allow the vehicle to dry after being
cleaned, e.g. over the weekend.
• Only start the vehicle up when all the
safety equipment has been installed
and brought to its protecting position.
• When working in the area of the
raised waste water tank, it must be
opened fully to prevent it accidentally
slamming shut.
Particular risks
• Only use original fuses with the pre-
scribed amperage.
• In the case of defects in the electrical
installation, switch the vehicle off im-
mediately and clear the fault.
• Work on the electrical equipment
may only be carried out by electri-
cians who have received the neces-
sary training and in accordance with
the electrical engineering regula-
• The vehicle's electrical equipment
must be inspected/checked at regu-
lar intervals. Defects, such as loose
connections and cable damage,
must be rectified immediately.
• Observe the information in the oper-
ating manual provided by the battery
• Batteries may only be handled and
changed by properly skilled mainte-
nance personnel.
• Due to a change in the center of
gravity, only approved batteries may
be installed at the intended position.
• Never lay any metallic objects or
tools on batteries - risk of short cir-
• Ensure sufficient ventilation in the
charging area when charging the
batteries – risk of explosion!
• To prevent creeping currents,
always keep the batteries clean and
dry and protect from becoming
soiled, e.g. by metal dust.
• Batteries must not be connected or
disconnected when live.
• When closing the seat console, pay
attention that no cables are dam-
• It is forbidden to eat, drink and
smoke in battery charging rooms.
• Wash you hands thoroughly after
handling batteries.
• For further safety information, see
supplementary sheet 88-60-2556 -
Notes on driving batteries.
Safety equipment
• Never operate the vehicle without
the hood being closed and locked
(safety regulation)!