Icon, scrubbing-vacuum tool
(option) (Fig. 20/8)
The icon appears when the scrubbing-
vacuum tool button (A) has been
switched on. A floor scrubbing and vac-
uuming tool (option) can be deployed in
conjunction with the scrubbing-vacuum
function to apply and vacuum up clean-
ing liquids in areas difficult to access.
Icon, suction turbine drive (Fig. 20/9)
The icon appears when the suction tur-
bine drive has been switched on. The
suction turbine continues to run for 15
seconds after the vacuuming function
has been switched off. The icon flashes
during this period.
Icon, operating hour counter
(Fig. 20/10)
After switching the machine on, the
software version and last service code
appear briefly in the operating hour
counter. The operating hour counter
then indicates the number of operating
hours currently accumulated.
Icon, scrubbing (Fig. 20/11)
The icon appears when scrubbing
mode has been switched on.
Icon, brush pressure adjustment
(Fig. 20/12)
The icon appears when brush pressure
adjustment has been switched on.