Button for boost function
(Fig. 19/9)
The boost function only works in combi-
nation with the Hakomatic button. When
the boost function has been activated,
the icons for scrubbing (Fig. /11), suc-
tion turbine operation (Fig. /9), clean
water supply at level 6 (Fig. /2) and the
icon for brush pressure adjustment
(Fig. /12) flash on the indicator field.
After one minute, the machine automat-
ically switches back to the operating
mode in which the machine was run-
ning before the boost function was acti-
vated. The boost function can be
stopped at any time by pressing any
button, whereby the newly selected
function will be activated. Conditions for
the boost function:
• charge status of the battery is ok,
• suction turbine has not been deacti-
vated by the float switch,
• Hakomatic button is activated.
Button for brush head and squeegee
(Hakomatic button) (Fig. 19/10)
The Hakomatic button serves to switch
the brush drive and suction turbine
on/off with simultaneous lowering/rais-
ing of the brush head and squeegee, re-
spectively. The water quantity last
selected is supplied.