Yo u can chang e the s tatus of aler ts deta iled b elow.
W hen th e alert for 'Service chang e' is enabled , it me ans that eve ry time your phone has lo st the
se rvice ( Network Sig nal) or regai ned th e servi ce (Network Signa l) a ph one alert is s ounde d.
W hen th e alert 'Minute beep' is enabled, during a p hone call, a s your call nears a min ute's
du ration , an alert will sound 10 se conds before every time.
W hen th e ale rt for 'Call conne ct' is enab led, the phone wi ll sou nd an alert during the
co nversation.
If an ale rt for 'Call e nd' is e nable d, wh en a ca ll is e nded ( either by you or b ecaus e the c all is
dr opped ), an a lert wil l soun d.
If the ale rt for 'Fail on outgo ing' is enabled, the alert will sound when the call i s not connected.
If the ch arger beep is 'On', every t ime your phone is conne cted or disco nnected to the charger,
an alert will sound.
Yo u can custo mize y our di splay b y cre ating a bann er, adj usting the b ackligh t, sel ecting the
8 .2.5 Ale rts
1. Service cha nge
2. Minut e beep
3. Call c onnect
4. Call e nd
5. Fail o n outgoing
6. Charger beep
8.3 Display
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