Version: 1.2
User Manual
Revised: 2015-03-16 15:47
© Haglöf Sweden AB 2013/Rev. 201503|
File list
All saved files are listed (up to 200 ea). Individual files can
be selected and handled in the following menu system.
The selection ”Delete all” deletes all data files in the direc-
tory ”\DATA”.
The menu can be used in the application that is run to for
example open a file with data.
Send a file with Bluetooth (Ftp/obex) to cell phone or
other device. The computer terminal has to be connected to
the receiving device, see the chapter on Bluetooth.
Information on selected files is shown, for example how
many bytes the file contains and when it was created.
The Kermit protocol can send the file with a cable (serial)
or with Bluetooth (Serial profile) to PC or other handheld.
The file can be deleted.
Activate the USB mode. In USB mode, the computer
terminal is ready to be connected to PC via USB cable and
to be handled as a USB memory stick. Files can be copied,
deleted, created etc. with the regular file explorer in the PC.
Quick battery charge of terminal is also activated in USB
Information on the Flash disc, such as available space on
the internal flash disc is displayed.
Receive file
Use Kermit to send files from PC or other caliper to the
computer terminal.
The flash disc can be zero set by formatting it. All stored
data and programs are deleted.
There are different settings that need to be considered in
the system menu depending on software used in the DP II.
Serial port
The Bluetooth is a built-in wireless communication port.
Set as Master when the computer terminal is to initiate
communication and connection to external devices. Slave
mode is used when external devices need to connect to the
computer terminal. Use Reset to delete the information
on last used connection. Pair (bonding) is used to connect
devices to the DP II.
Com cable
Regular serial port where a straight modem cable is used.
Also setting for baud rate. (1200…115200kbs)
Set system language.
Set display contrast (0..63). Normal value is 32.
Set the built-in clock. If terminal has been without battery
power, the clock needs to be reset. Start with setting the
year with right- or left button and step one (1) step = year
at a time. Use up- or down to step with ten (10) years at a
time. Accept with ENTER. Continue with month, date,
hour, minutes and seconds in the same way.
Calibration of SmartScale, “Calibration” on page 16.