17.14 Installation of the communication and display accessories
INS insulation module
The INS insulation module must interface with the sentinel Energy trip unit if the remote
opening and closing functions of the circuit breaker are to be used from the Bluetooth Hager
Power touch application, via modbus if a communication module is installed or from Hager
Power setup (USB-C).
This insulation module also prevents the overvoltage caused by the SH or CC coil affecting
the trip unit.
The terminals of the CC coils (A1 and A2), SH (C11 and C12) and SH2 (C21 and C22) must
be powered for the remote commands to function.
The cable length between the PLC or the action button and the terminal of an SH shunt trip
coil or a CC closing coil connected to the INS insulation module must be a maximum of 5