background image

Operating precautions

In order to obtain optimal detection conditions, it is recommended that the following advice:

-  the detection is sensitive to solar radiation and bad weather. Detection performance is optimal up to 

35 °C and above 40 °C.

- It is preferable to maintain à distance of 1 m. between a light source and the detector.

When mounting on a box, make sure that you do not distort the wall plate through excessive tightening 

of the screws.


Surface-mounting or ceiling-mounted  :

- fix the wall plate using the screws provided

- connect the wall plate terminal block (see cabling plans in annex)

- fully insert the detector on the wall plate

- tighten the screws to ensure the product is sealed.
For corner fixing, the wall plate is to be fixed between the accessory and the detector.

Cable entry (breakable partitions) are possible:

- by the back (box mounting) or by the bottom.




60 mm




Ateha raceways

ref. ATA 12200

or ATA 63000

Wiring and connections (provide installation with fixed wiring)




Use Auto settings 

(factory) or set by 

the remote control 

to switch the light 

automatically for a 

given time.

Auto Settings

Put the Lux potentiometer on 

“auto test”.

The settings are predefined:

Lux = 


(operating at night only)

time = 3 min,

sensitivity = max.
Remote control settings 

(Manual Settings inhibited).

Automatically switch 

on the light for a 

defined time.

Installer settings

Control a timer, a bell 




Auto settings are usable with 

time = 1s. (cannot be changed)

Test and validate the 

detection zone.

Test mode

Move the potentiometer 



“auto test”. On this position, the 

remote control can be used.

Adjust the sensitivity.

Allows setting the range

to avoid disturbance.

“Normal” operation (on/off)

The lighting is activated whenever the level of 

luminosity defined by the potentiometer 



judged to be insufficient and a movement is 


After detection, the light stays on for the length

of time predefined by the potentiometer 



The fixed timing is reset after each detection.

Please note:

 when the potentiometer is on “auto 

test”, the settings are predefined.

Control by timer

An impulse is generated every 10 s whenever the 

level of luminosity is judged to be insufficient and 

a movement is detected when the potentiometer 


 is on 



This pulse mode is not suitable for connections to 

power devices (except at low power loads).

Using the remote control (option,  

ref. EE806)

The detector receives instructions from the remote 

control when the Lux potentiometer is on the “auto 

test” position.

If the potentiometer is put on another value, the 

local setting resumes.

The LED B of the detector lights up to confirm the 

signal with the remote control.

It flashes quickly for 2 s when an instruction is 

received and 5 s for a reset.

When an instruction is not authorised, the LED 

lights up for 1 s.
The available settings are:

- fixed time

- level of luminosity

- sensitivity

- on / off

- holidays (simulation of presence)

- activation of the detection A.

Testing and validating 

the detection zone

Put the potentiometer 


 on Test mode and if 

necessary, use the shutters to define the detection 


The Test mode is available for 3 min. Every 

movement detected switches on the light for 1s. 

After 3 min without detection of movement, the 

product returns to normal operation. 

Limiting the detection zone

You can limit the detection zone by using the

shutters provided or by tilting the head.

Product presentation 

and operating principles

This detector allows automatic control of a 

light source for a defined length of time when a 

movement is detected in the surveillance zone. 

The LED A indicates a movement. It is inhibited by 

default except in Test mode. 

Settings and Test

The detectors have 2 modes of operation: 

Fixed time and Control by timer.

Power supply

The detector switches the light on for 40 s. 

After 40 s, it activates the Normal mode.


