Lorenz Hasenbach GmbH u. Co. KG · D-65517 Bad Camberg · Tel. 0049 6434 / 25-0 · www.haca.com
Harness selection
The safety harness must comply with EN 361. A risk
assessment must be performed according to the re-
spective applicable national regulations and laws of
the country of use. The selection of the harness de-
pends on the requirements of the assignment. HACA fall arrest
systems are intended for climbing. The safety harness must have
suitable attachment points for the designated use.The connect-
ing element of the guided type fall arrester has to be attached to
the front eyelet respectively loop of the harness (marking A) in
order to guarantee the use in accordance with EN 353-1. If the
harness becomes loose during ascending it has to be retightened
in a safe position. The operating instructions of the harness
manufacturer must be heeded.Only safety harnesses without
elastic harness straps may be used.
The fall protection runner may only be used as intended. The climbing path
is only to be used to overcome differences in height. It is not permitted to
work on the ladder using the fall protection runner! While working on the
ladder the operator has to secure himself additionelly with a separate sys-
tem, e.g. safety rope according to DIN 358. The HACA fall protection sys-
tem is designed for one person to be on the ladder for each 4 m of the
climb. When more than one person is using the equipment, we dictate
that a safety distance of at least 3m is maintained. For fall arrest systems,
it is essential to ensure that the position of the anchorage device / anchor-
age point minimises free fall. All further applications other than those ap-
proved by the manufacturer are forbidden. Alterations or additions to the
fall protection runner may not be made without the written consent of
HACA. Repairs may only be conducted by HACA or by a dealer authorised
by HACA. The fall protection runners can be used at temperatures of be-
tween -40°C and +50°C. The user must satisfy both the physical and the
technical prerequisites. The physical prerequisites are generally considered
to have been proven if, for example, a G41 medical check-up has been car-
ried out. In addition to this the current condition of health must always be
taken into consideration. In order to rule out danger to the user resulting
from reduced physical fitness, climbing must be restricted to users who are
physically fit and are suited to do so. The technical prerequisites are based
on information in these Instructions for Use and a training course on using
the fall protection runner. The fall protection runner is a component of the
Lorenz Hasenbach GmbH u. Co. KG · D-65517 Bad Camberg · Tel. 0049 6434 / 25-0 · www.haca.com