Habasit Italiana S.p.A.
Vittorio Veneto 31029 (TV)
Tel.: ++39(0)438.9113
Fax. ++39(0)438.200545
Hot Press PM-306/160
A.T. / KM
Edition: 09/2005
How the manual is organized
This hot-pressing device was designed, built and tested by expert technicians. The high quality materials
used to build the hot-pressing device make it operationally highly reliable.
For further, more detailed information or in regard to problems, please contact our the following address:
Habasit Italiana S.p.A.
Via A. Meucci 8
Zona Industriale
I - 31029 Vittorio Veneto
Tel.: 0039.(0)438.9113
Fax: 0039.(0)438.200545
This manual observes the organizational rules and requirements of Directive 98/37/CE, duly amended,
being the Directive of the Council of the European Community of June 14, 1989, concerning the
reconciliation of the laws of member states regarding machines, also known as the «Machine Directive»,
and also all the other Directives and Regulations referred to in the said Machine Directive, inspired by
criteria which, in addition to illustrating the technical characteristics of the machine and its use,
maintenance and troubleshooting methods, also clearly indicate the following:
All the protection measures adopted on the hot-pressing device, fully integrating design safety planning
and construction safety
All protection measures to be adopted to meet those risks that cannot be completely eliminated
All indications for the training of personnel using the hot-pressing device, while indicating where it is
necessary to provide for individual safety protection devices.
The manual is divided up into sections. Each section deals with a specific subject in which every aspect
of safety is considered and clearly highlighted in the text.
Hot-pressing device PM-306/160