End of the game
The game ends as soon as ...
• the raven has reached the square next to the tree, pinching all the
cherries. In this case the players have lost together.
• the players have picked the last cherry from the tree thus winning the
game together. Now they can have a big cherry party together with
Bertha Peartree.
Cherry harvesting variation
If you want, after finishing the game you can count the cards to see who
has collected the most. This player is named the most hard-working cher-
ry picker.
Raven variation
The cheeky raven has already snuck ahead one square at the beginning
of the game. Now it becomes even more difficult to harvest the cherries
in time. If you are brave enough, you can also move the raven two or
three squares at the start of the game!
raven reaches tree =
players lose together,
all cherries
harvested = victory