96-0012 rev G
June 2003
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
5.2 R
Recovery from a power outage or an E-Stop initiated during a pallet change:
Is Power ON?
Troubleshooting a Power Outage or E-Stop condition with
a Pallet in transition between the Receiver and the APC.
With the pallet stopped between the APC and receiver the
drive pin on the chain will be engaged with the pallet drive
arm. Severe damage may occur if the “X” or “Y” axes are
moved automatically.
Has power been turned off since
the pallet motion was stopped?
Is the receiver Unclamped?
Manually move the pallet to a known location,
either on the receiver, or on the APC
to engage the associated switch (see Figure 1).
Verify alignment of pin and bushing (see Figure 2).
Run M17 to
open the door and
unclamp the receiver.
If needed, rotate the chain to a known location
that compliments the pallet locations. Use
the sprocket rotation tool to move the
chain (see Figure 3).
Run M18 to
close the door and
clamp the receiver.
Run M50 to complete a pallet
cycle. The completed M50
will clear the Pallet Change
Incomplete variable.
Power ON the VMC.
Do not push Power Up Restart.
Do not Zero Return, auto all axes.
Do not Zero a single axis. Do not
Jog or otherwise move the X and Y axes.
With power and air supply ON, have an assistant
manually actuate the solenoids on the lube panel to
open the APC door and unclamp the receiver. Constant
pressure must be maintained on the actuators to
provide a continuous air flow (see Figure 4).
Release the solenoid
Zero the axes.
* *
* *
There are 5 switches involved in the location of the pallets and chain.
1 pallet switch on the receiver (Pallet Clamp Switch).
2 pallet switches on the APC (Pallet Home Switches).
2 chain switches on the APC (Pin Clear Switches).
If the power to the VMC has been shut down either intentionally or by
power outage, damage may occur to the APC pallet, the receiver, or
the drive chain if the X or Y axes are moved in the VMC at power ON.
At power ON the VMC will investigate the pallet and chain location and
alarm if either an unknown chain location or unknown pallet location are
At the beginning of the APC M50, a Pallet Change Incomplete variable is set to 1 and
reset to 0 at the end. The VMC will not operate properly if a pallet change
(M50) has not been completed.
Manually move the pallet to a known location,
either on the receiver, or on the APC
to engage the associated switch (see Figure 1).
Verify alignment of pin and bushing (see Figure 2).
If needed, rotate the chain to a known location
that compliments the pallet locations. Use
the sprocket rotation tool to move the
chain (see Figure 3).