96-0012 rev G
June 2003
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
A u t o m a t i c
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
P a l l e t C h a n g e r
If a fault occurs during operation, the red beacon on the VMC will flash and a message will be displayed on the
screen. An alarm code will be placed in the VMC’s alarm history and will be available for future reference.
EMERGENCY STOP or a machine fault not associated with the APC inputs or program will halt all motors.
Pressing the RESET button will clear these faults.
If E-STOP was pressed during a pallet change, the control may not know the location of the
pallets or chain, depending on when E-STOP was pressed, and alarm #641 will be generated. In this case,
refer to the Recovery Sequence flowchart in the Troubleshooting section.
When an alarm occurs, correct the problem, then run a single M50 in MDI mode to reset the APC.
The following is a list of the alarms associated with the APC:
630 APC Door SW Fault-Switch Not equal to Solenoid
The APC door switch indicates the door is open but the solenoid shows the door has been commanded to
close. Either the door has failed to close and is stuck, or the switch itself is broken or stuck. Also the door
switch wiring may have a fault. Check switch, then cable. After correcting the condition, run an M50 to continue
Do not attempt to move X or Y axes of mill until APC is in safe condition. CAUTION—The APC is not in a safe
operating condition. One pallet is at home but the other pallet is neither clamped nor at home. Locate the
unclamped pallet and return to home if possible. If drive pin is engaged or pallet is partially clamped, go to the
lube/air panel at rear of mill and continuously press both white buttons in center of solenoid air valves while an
assistant pulls the pallet off the receiver. After correcting the condition, run an M50 to continue machining.
632 APC Unclamp Error
The pallet did not unclamp in the amount of time allowed. This can be caused by a bad air solenoid, a blocked
or kinked air line, or a mechanical problem. After correcting the condition, the M50 must be rerun to continue
633 APC Clamp Error
The pallet did not clamp in the amount of time allowed by parameter 316. This alarm is most likely caused by
the VMC table not being in the correct position. This can be adjusted using the setting for the X position (#121,
#125) as described in the "Installation" section. If the pallet is in the correct position but not clamped, push the
pallet against the hard stop and run an M18.
If the pallet is clamped, but not correctly, run an M17 to unclamp, push the pallet to the correct position, and
run an M18 to clamp the pallet. Less common causes could be that the slip clutch is slipping, the motor is at
fault, or an air solenoid is blocked or kinked, or an air line is blocked or kinked. After correcting the condition,
run an M50 rerun to continue machining.
634 APC Mislocated Pallet
A pallet is not in the proper place on the APC. The pallet must be pushed back against the hard stop by hand.
After correcting the condition, the M50 must be rerun to continue machining.
635 APC PAL num Conflict Rec and CH
The pallet number conflict receiver and Pallet changer:
The pallet number in memory does not agree with the actual pallet in use. Run an M50 to reset this variable.
636 APC Unload Switch Missed PAL 1
Pallet #1 did not return from the receiver to the APC in the allowable amount of time. This can be caused by the
chain switch block missing the limit switch, or from another mechanical problem, such as clutch slippage. After
correcting the condition, run an M50 to continue machining.