226 Transfer complete.
ftp: 14323376 bytes sent in 8.29Seconds 1727.37Kbytes/sec.
ftp> quit Quit FTP
221 Server closing.
Maintaining the AC acting as the client
You can also maintain the AC file system by setting up an FTP environment where the AC serves as a
Step 1: Set up a maintenance environment.
Figure 5-10
Network diagram for maintenance of the AC serving as a client
The AC serves as an FTP client, while the PC running FTP server serves as the FTP server. Set the
FTP server path and add a username and password for the AC.
Configure the IP addresses of the two sides on the same network. In this section, the IP address of the
FTP server is set to, and that of the AC is set to You can use the
command on the server or the AC to check whether the connection is successful.
Step 2: Maintain the AC through the terminal connected to the console interface of the AC.
The following gives an example:
Trying ...
Press CTRL+K to abort
Connected to
220 3Com 3CDaemon FTP Server Version 2.0
User( Enter the username configured on the server
331 User name ok, need password
Password: Enter the corresponding password
230 User logged in Connection succeeded.
Use the following commands to maintain the AC after logging in.
Here again, the
commands are used to restore and back up files.
[ftp]get main.bin main.bin Download the file from the server to the AC
flash:/main.bin has been existing. Overwrite it?[Y/N]:y Overwrite the file
200 PORT command successful.
150 File status OK ; about to open data connection
226 Closing data connection; File transfer successful.
FTP: 14323376 byte(s) received in 69.256 second(s) 206.00K byte(s)/sec.
[ftp]put main.bin main.bin Copy the file from the AC to the server