Upgrading BootWare Through a Serial Interface
Use XMODEM to upgrade BootWare through a serial interface.
Modifying Serial Interface Parameters
Sometimes, we need to make the serial interface baud rate higher to save upgrading time or make it
lower to guarantee transmission reliability. This section introduces how to adjust the serial interface
baud rate.
Enter the BootWare main menu and select
to enter the serial interface submenu, and then select
the submenu to modify the baud rate. The system displays the following:
========================<BAUDRATE SET>=======================
|Note: Change The HyperTerminal's Baudrate Accordingly, |
| Press 'Enter' to exit with things untouched. |
|--------------------<Baudrate Avaliable>-------------------|
| <1> 9600(Default) |
| <2> 19200 |
| <3> 38400 |
| <4> 57600 |
| <5> 115200 |
| <0> Exit |
Enter Your Choice (0-5):
Select a proper baud rate. For example, select
for a baud rate of 115,200 bps and the system displays
the following information:
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the terminal's speed to 115200 bps,
and select XMODEM protocol. Press 'Enter' key when ready.
At this time, the baud rate of the AC serial interface is modified to 115,200 bps, while that of the terminal
is still 9,600 bps. The AC and the terminal cannot communicate with each other. Change the baud rate
to 115,200 bps on the terminal.
Perform the following operations on the terminal:
Figure 5-2
Disconnect the terminal
, and then click
to change the bits per second to 115,200.