Initial Startup
Setting up the Configuration Environment
Set up the configuration environment as shown below:
Connect a terminal (a PC in this example) to the console interface on the AC with a console cable.
Figure 4-1
Network diagram for initial startup
Connecting the Console Cable
Connect a console cable as follow:
Step 1: Connect the DB-9 female connector of the console cable to the serial interface of the PC where
the AC is to be configured.
Step 2: Connect the RJ-45 connector of the console cable to the console interface of the AC.
Setting Terminal Parameters
Step 1: Start the PC and run the terminal emulation program such as the Terminal of Windows 3.1 or the
HyperTerminal of Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP.
Step 2: Set terminal parameters (take the HyperTerminal of Windows XP as an example).
Parameter requirements: Set the bits per second to 9600, data bits to 8, parity to none, stop bits to 1,
and flow control to none. Select VT100 as terminal emulation. The specific procedure is as follows:
1) Select
to enter the
HyperTerminal window, where click the
icon to establish a new connection. A connection
description interface appears, as shown below.