Operation Manual – Multicast Protocol
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 6 PIM Configuration
The information on Switch B and Switch C is similar to that on Switch A.
# View the PIM routing table information on Switch D.
[SwitchD] display pim routing-table
Total 0 (*, G) entry; 1 (S, G) entry
Protocol: pim-dm, Flag: LOC ACT
UpTime: 00:03:27
Upstream interface: Vlan-interface300
Upstream neighbor: NULL
RPF prime neighbor: NULL
Downstream interface(s) information:
Total number of downstreams: 3
1: Vlan-interface103
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:03:27, Expires: never
2: Vlan-interface101
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:03:27, Expires: never
3: Vlan-interface102
Protocol: pim-dm, UpTime: 00:03:27, Expires: never
6.7.2 PIM-SM Configuration Example
I. Network requirements
Receivers receive VOD information through multicast. The receiver groups of
different organizations form stub networks, and one or more receiver hosts exist in
each stub network. The entire PIM domain operates in the sparse mode (not
divided into different BSR admin-scope regions).
Host A and Host C are multicast receivers in two stub networks.
Switch D connects to the network that comprises the multicast source (Source)
through VLAN-interface 300.
Switch A connects to stub network N1 through VLAN-interface 100, and to Switch
D and Switch E through VLAN-interface 101 and VLAN-interface 102 respectively.
Switch B and Switch C connect to stub network N2 through their respective
VLAN-interface 200, and to Switch E through VLAN-interface 103 and
VLAN-interface 104 respectively.
Switch E connects to Switch A, Switch B, Switch C and Switch D, and its
VLAN-interface 102 interface acts a C-BSR and a C-RP, with the range of
multicast groups served by the C-RP being
IGMPv2 is to run between Switch A and N1, and between Switch B/Switch C and