Operation Manual – ACL
H3C S3610&S5510 Series Ethernet Switches
Chapter 4 Flow Template Configuration
user-defined flow template: basic
name:aaa, index:2, total reference counts:0
fields: smac customer-vlan-id customer-cos
# Display information about the user-defined flow templates referenced to interfaces.
[Sysname] display flow-template interface
Interface: Ethernet1/0/1
user-defined flow template: basic
name:aaa, index:1, total reference counts:1
fields: smac customer-vlan-id customer-cos
Interface: Ethernet1/0/2
user-defined flow template: extend
name:bbb, index:2, total reference counts:1
fields: l2 12 2
# Delete flow template aaa. As it is being referenced by interface Ethernet 1/0/1,
remove it from the interface first.
[Sysname] interface Ethernet 1/0/1
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] undo flow-template
[Sysname-Ethernet1/0/1] quit
[Sysname] undo flow-template name aaa