LED Status
Clock synchronization
Steady green
Both PTP and network synchronization are configured.
The time and frequency have been synchronized.
Network synchronization is configured and a non-local
clock source is taken as the clock reference.
Network synchronization is configured but no non-local
clock source is specified. The system clock is operating
in freerun state.
Steady yellow
Clock source priorities are configured but non-local clock
sources cannot be reached. The system clock is
operating in holdover or freerun state.
Both PTP and network synchronization are configured
but no clock source is available. The system clock and
the PTP clock are operating in holdover or freerun state.
The system clock has not been initialized.
System status LED
Flashing green
(8 Hz)
BootWare is starting and the system software image is being
copied and decompressed. This phase starts ten seconds
after the router is powered on.
Steady green
The device is being initialized.
Flashing green
(1 Hz)
Comware has started with the configuration file and the router
has booted up.
Flashing yellow
(8 Hz)
The BootWare extended segment does not exist.
Steady yellow
The Boot.bin file does not exist.
No power input, or exceptions have occurred.
GE fiber port LED
Steady green
A 1000 Mbps link is present.
Flashing green
Data is being received or transmitted at 1000 Mbps.
Steady yellow
A 10/100 Mbps link is present.
Flashing yellow
Data is being received or transmitted at 10/100 Mbps.
No link is present.
GE copper port LED
Steady green
A 1000 Mbps link is present.
Flashing green
Data is being received or transmitted at 1000 Mbps.
Steady yellow
A 10/100 Mbps link is present.
Flashing yellow
Data is being received or transmitted at 10/100 Mbps
No link is present.
Power status LED
Steady green
The power system is operating correctly.
No power is being input.
E1 port LEDs
Steady green
The port received carrier signal.
Flashing green
The port is receiving or transmitting data.
No carrier signal is received.
Steady yellow
A loop has occurred on the port.
Flashing yellow
An AIS, LFA, or RAI alarm has occurred.
No loop and alarm have occurred.