BIOMED SERVICE MANUAL Electrosurgical Generator G400 Workstation
Model 777000
Gyrus ACMI G400 Workstation
Page 5 of 57
Part Number: 177079-AA
The user is referred to the instrument rear label and user manual for applicable
specifications pertaining to this device. All applied parts, cables and
handpieces used within the vicinity of the operating table will be sterilised. The
electro-surgical generator and footswitch are considered non-sterile.
Since electro-surgery involves the application of direct electrical energy to the
patient, this will naturally constitute a potential hazard in the case of equipment
malfunction. In common with all other approved systems, the design and
construction of the G400 generators have been subjected to rigorous safety
tests. Each generator has undergone a stringent test regime during its
manufacture and ensures that any generator will possess a commensurate
level of safety integrity.
Legal notices and copyright
Gyrus ACMI authorises the copying of the pro-forma sheets for the sole
purpose of recording the servicing activity.
The material presented within this document is provided for reference purposes
only. All reasonable effort has been made to ensure that its content is accurate
and factual. Gyrus ACMI does not warrant or make any representations or
conditions regarding the use, validity, completeness, accuracy, or reliability of,
or otherwise respecting, the information contained in this manual. Under no
circumstances will Gyrus ACMI or any of their affiliated organisations be held
liable for any personal injury, commercial loss or loss of profit, whether real,
consequential or prospective, which is claimed to be due to be resulting from
the use of this document.
The information contained in this manual is subject to change at any time
without notice. Later editions of this manual will contain revised and updated
Any third party undertaking G400 generator testing must agree to comply with
all pertinent regulatory issues in respect of the maintenance of the equipment.
This may encompass mandatory compliance with those aspects of the Gyrus
ACMI’s quality system dealing with generator service.
Gyrus ACMI does not accept any responsibility for any G400 generator which
has been subject to any unauthorised repair or modification by a third party or
end user.
Gyrus ACMI’s warranty is void once the lid seal is broken unless permission is
granted in advance to allow the breaking of the seal. All liability, howsoever
arising, is transferred to the customer if a device is opened, repaired or
modified in any way by non-authorised personnel and the end user or other
third party by its conduct shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnify and hold
harmless Gyrus ACMI for any liability, costs, expenses, or losses which may
arise as a result of the end user’s or third party’s action.
The exclusions, restrictions and limitations contained in this manual are
intended to operate to the greatest extent permitted by any and all applicable